After having some difficulty loading raster NOAA Nautical Charts into Grass Gis, I came across this page Converting NOAA raster charts to GeoTIFF for TileMill

I was not able to load the .KSP files for the NOAA rastermap (#12363- Long island Sound) into Grass GIS, with despite its ability to handle .KSP files, but converting the files to GeoTIFFs first and then reprojecting worked perfectly. Determining the ESPG number was not readily apparent- as a workaround- I loaded the projection data (.prj) of an existing shapefile already existing in the Grass location into Prj2Epsg which returned a ESPG number of 4267.

1) Covert BSB to GeoTIFF

gdal_translate -of GTiff 12363.KAP 12363rectified.tif

 2) Reproject GeoTIFF into final file (12363rectified-reprojected.tif) using gdalwarp and the EPSG number

 gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4267 12363rectified.tif 12363rectified-reprojected.tif

 3) Load final file via Grass GUI as you normally would.

 The result is below- a NOAA rastermap overlain with vector bathymetric data (blue lines)


NOAA Raster and Vector Images
NOAA Raster and Vector Images

Wetlands in the News

08 May 2024